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News & Announcement

Reading Materials (Policy Report)

8557-Bhutan-Policy-Report-Assignment-information3 bhutan_2012_LIBRARYhandoutx1 Cover Sheet Final Assignment coversheet Policy Report Proposal Planning your researchBhutan2012 [Compatibility Mode] The right tools for the job [Compatibility Mode] TURNER DEMOCRATIZATION BY DECREE What is this


Eminent Talk Series

Eminent Speaker Talk Series for the month of August. The speaker : Dawa Drakpa Topic : “Social Entrepreneurship… The story from Shoe Vival and Help Shoe Bhutan” Time: 4 pm


T alk Series by Prof. Bibek Debroy

Eminent Speaker Talk Series Topic: “India’s Economic Liberalisation in 1990s and its Relevance to Bhutan” Eminent Speaker: Professor Bibek Debroy, an Economist from Centre for Policy Research, Premier independent Think


Talk Series

Talk Title: “The Relevance of Buddhism in the 21st century”
Eminent Speaker: His Holiness Dzongchen Penlop Rinpoche

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