(1) Department of Management Development (DMD)
The main functions of the DMD are as follows:
- Design and conduct courses in the areas of Management Development, and Legal Studies.
- Provide advisory services on enhancing management 2. development capacities of the Government including local government.
- Coordinate profession specific programmes in the areas of 3. Management Development and Legal Studies through the respective centres1 established under the Department.
- Undertake research in the areas of management development 4. to facilitate development of courses and provide policy inputs for the Royal Government and private sector.
- Carry out consultancy to facilitate capacity development in the 5. field of management development.
2) Department of Finance and Business (DFB)
The main functions of the DFB are as follows:
- Design and conduct courses in the areas of Finance, Economics and Business.
- Provide advisory services on enhancing skills and competency development in the areas of finance and business of the Government and the corporate bodies including the private sector.
- Coordinate profession specific programmes in the areas of Financial and Management Development through the Centre for Private Sector Development1.
- Undertake research in the areas of finance, business and economics to facilitate development of course materials and provide policy inputs to the Royal Government and private sector.
- Carry out consultancy to facilitate capacity development in the fields of finance and business.
3) Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
The main functions of the DICT are as follows:
- Design and conduct courses in the areas of Information and • Communications Technology.
- Provide advisory services on enhancing skills and competency • development in the areas of information and communications technology to the Government and the corporate bodies including the private sector.
- Undertake research in the areas of information and communication • technology to facilitate development of training materials and provide policy inputs to the Royal Government and private sector.
- Carry out consultancy to facilitate capacity development in the fields • of information and communications technology.
- Manage and maintain information management system • requirement of the Institute and serve as the information technology support for the Institute.
RIM is a Lead Agency for the Enabling eGovernance under the Chiphen Rigpel Project being implemented by RGoB in collaboration with the National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT)
4) Department of Research & Consultancy (DRC)
The main functions of the DRC are as follows:
- Determine and define the types of research/research areas of the • institute so that they contribute meaningfully towards realizing the vision of the institute
- Focus on the discovery and application of knowledge, and including • dissemination, preferably through publication in referred journals, authored and edited books, chapters in edited books, published conference proceedings, conference papers, working papers and research seminars, occasional papers, etc.
- Maintain/sustain the currency of academic output and scholarly • teaching and learning culture within the institute
- Complement and enhance teaching and research, thereby developing • links between academics and business through the generation of real-time data and cases for teaching and learning
- Help advance knowledge and reputation for individual faculty • members and the institute
- Encourage faculty to engage in consultancy that values expertise, • facilitates business entities and organizations
- Develop and maintain consultancy directory, and catalogue • consultancy activities undertaken by faculty thereby ensuring their competencies in conducting research and consultancies.
The programme department head is responsible for the overall facilitation and coordination of the department functions. The head is appointed from the faculty pool and will be rotated amongst the eligible faculty members after every three years.
RIM is also a VUE Pearson Authorized Test Center