1. Introduction

The Post Graduate Diploma in financial management is a one year course designed for graduates pursuing career in financial management. The course is designed within the broad context of international finance and business management practices to suit both public and corporate financial and business management. The focus of the course is in developing pro-active managers with complex managerial and decision making capacities and technical competency by inculcating transferable and lifelong learning skills. The students are provided with a sound and advanced understanding of disciplines consisting of financial management, managerial economics, corporate finance, introduction to research methodology, management accounting, financial markets and institutions, investment analysis and principles of auditing to prepare themselves for career in public, corporate and not-for-profit organizations.

  1. Course Duration
    One year- Full Time.
  1. Course Coordinator contact details
    Namgay Dem
    Department of Finance & Business
    Royal Institute of Management
    Phone 351014-ext 202
    Email: namgay_dem@rim.edu.bt 
  1. Admission Requirements
    Admission to the course is governed by Admission Policy of the Royal Institute of Management (RIM). For details visit the following link www.rim.edu.bt. Participants must have a Bachelor’s Degree with accounts and must be selected through competitive admission selection conducted by Royal Institute of Management (RIM).
  1. Progression Requirements
    Academic achievement is governed by the RIM Academic Progress Policy. For details visit the following link www.rim.edu.bt. Overall, student must secure a minimum of 50 percent in each unit and must not fail in more than two units in any academic period in order to progress to higher level. Unit outlines may also stipulate the additional requirements such as minimum requirement of attendance and participations.
  1. Dzongkha and/or English Language Requirements
    The course is taught in English and as such participants are expected to be conversant in the English language at the graduate level.
  1. Any accreditation requirements and authority
    The course has been designed following the guidelines prescribed in the Bhutan Qualifications Framework (BQF) and the RIM Academic policy.
  1. Summary Course aims and outcomes
    The PG Diploma course aims is to develop pro active managers with managerial and decision making capacities and technical competency by inculcating transferable and lifelong learning skills.
  1. Course Objectives
    Specific objectives of the course are to:

    • Develop range of advanced financial knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for public and corporate sector financial management practices.
    • Develop managerial skills and knowledge that enhances the ability to make decisions in complex environments that are appropriate and timely.
    • Inculcate universal standards of integrity, honesty and ethical attributes. 
  1. Learning Outcomes:
    On successful completion of the course, graduates should be able to:

    • Constructively analyze and present financial related information.
    • Manage and guide the management in financial related works.
    • Provide accurate and timely information for decision making.
    • Approach financial and business challenges from local and global prospective.
    • Act in accordance with universal standards of integrity, honesty and ethical attributes.
  1. Graduate attributes summary

The course focuses in developing and inculcating the following graduate attributes;

Sl. No. Attributes Indicators
1 Discipline specific knowledge & capabilities Knowledge appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession at par with international standards.
2 Creative, Innovative & Enterprising Critical and analytical thinking and judgment to create innovative solutions to challenges
3 Integrity, Honesty & ethical Act in accordance with universal standards of integrity, honesty and ethical attributes.
4 Professional Excellence Positive attitudes towards work (working independently and in teams) and taking responsibilities for personal action.
5 Leadership Attributes Be able to manage, guide and make timely decision.
6 Communication Skills Using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change
7 Digital Literacy Using technologies to find, use and disseminate information


  1. Summary of course content
    The courses consist of eight taught units which includes a unit in research methodology. The course is taught over three terms. Two units are taught in the first terms and three units each in the second and third term. The courses begin with pre-orientation / introductory program which includes academic learning skills.Participants to this course will also be acquainted and trained in tally (accounting software) and procurement management. These courses are non credited courses based on the mandatory requirement of the Bhutanese corporate and private sector organizations financial management services.

    Participants will also have opportunity to subsequently participate in other non-credited skilled based programs like Government Policies and Development Programs (GPDP), IT Fundamentals, Leadership Effectiveness and Development, Driglam Namzha and Management Communication for which participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.

  1. Course structure by year, credit and unit level
Term Units Credit points
Term 1


1.      Financial Accounting

2.      Introduction to Research Methodology



Term 2 1.      Management Accounting

2.      Managerial Economics

3.      Financial Markets and institutions




Term 3


1.      Principles of Auditing

2.      Corporate Finance

3.      Investment analysis and portfolio management




Total  Credits 120


  1. Teaching and Learning Methods and Strategies
    Teaching and learning methodologies used in this course are governed by the RIM Teaching and Learning Policy. For details visit the following link www.rim.edu.bt. Abiding by the Institutional principles, it uses a variety of interactive, practice-oriented and problem solving based learning methods linked to assessment methods.
  1. Summary of Units
    1. The unit level and credit
      The units for the course meets the standard that satisfies to determine the level of achievements as per the criteria laid out in the Bhutan Qualification Framework 2012 and the Tertiary Education Policy of Kingdom of Bhutan 2010 and the RIM academic policy. The units are also derived from doing a thorough stakeholder consultation which includes more than forty organizations.The units are sequenced in order to provide a positive achievement of learning outcomes and to demonstrate development of graduate attributes of in-depth and professional knowledge appropriate for pro-active managers with managerial and decision making capacities and technical competency by inculcating transferable and lifelong learning skills.
    2. Any prerequisites
      Participants must be acquainted with basic accounting knowledge, IT fundamentals and management communications skills.
    3. The offering centre/Department
      The course is offered by the Department of Finance & Business, Royal Institute of Management.
    4. A summary of the syllabus
      For details of the units visit the following link www.rim.edu.bt.
    5. Contact hours
      The credit policy of the Institute as stated in the RIM Academic Policy details the credit point for each unit as 15 credits. For details visit the following link www.rim.edu.bt.  The RIM credit policy is subsumed and to be considered as per the Bhutan Qualification Framework, 2012 which states that one unit is equivalent to 15 credit points and one credit point is equivalent to 10 contact hours.  Therefore, one unit is equivalent to 150 contact hours spread across various modes & methods of learning and teaching hours consisting of; 39 hours of classroom teaching and learning, assessment, tutorial, lab-session, self learning & assessments as per the unit descriptor.
    6. Mode of Instruction
      All units will be delivered in English as a medium of instruction with expectation of Dzongkha language as a medium of instruction for some units offered as non credited skill based units.
    7. Learning Outcome
      On successful completion of the course, graduates should be able to:

      • Constructively analyze and present financial related information.
      • Manage and guide the management in financial related works.
      • Provide accurate and timely information for decision making.
      • Approach financial and business challenges from local and global prospective.
      • Act in accordance with universal standards of integrity, honesty and ethical attributes.
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