The Royal Institute of Management (RIM), established as the country’s apex management training institute, has been mandated to “impart, promote and improve professional knowledge and skills in management and public administration in both public as well as private sector in the nation” towards complementing the  achievement of our national goal. The institute was established in 1986 and was incorporated as an autonomous institute in 1990 under the Royal Charter with a Board of Directors as its governing authority.

 As the only Government management Institute, RIM has been solely engaged in supporting the human resource development need of the country, especially for the civil service. RIM’s intervention in the national human resource capacity building was primarily through training, research and consultancy activities.

Presently, the Institute plays a crucial role in the areas of:

  1. Training and capacity development of the civil service in close coordination with the Royal Civil Service Commission;
  2. Capacity development needs of local governance institutions and agencies aimed at facilitating the decentralization initiative of the Royal Government;
  3. Supporting the private sector development through niche training interventions in support of their human resource development initiatives.

Vision & Mission


A center of excellence in education, training and research services for management and public administration


  1. Provide relevant pre-service and in-service courses of study for executives and professionals;
  2. Undertake research in the field of management, public administration and training;
  3. Provide consultancy and training advisory services to the public and private sector organizations. 


  • Offer Innovative management programmes capable of producing
    graduates who can create new opportunities and ventures
  • Undertake research,consultancy and advisory services and be
    recognised as a ‘think tank’ in management development
  • Serve as a confluence of management knowledge and practices providing effective interfaces between public, private and civil societies
  • Be recognized as a leading management institute in the region with a special focus on ethical governance
  • Serve as a model management institute in terms of its outlook, programmes, facilities, technologies and systems
  • Be a centre of choice for students, academicians, researchers and


In realizing the above vision and mission, RIM has identified 6 key strategic areas

  • Position RIM as a nationally and internationally recognised centre of excellence in management development & policy research
  • Benchmark RIM programs & services for national & international credibility
  • Be recognised for the quality of advisory & research services
  • Develop partnerships & networking arrangements with regional & international management training institutions to leverage their reputation & access their intellectual capital
  • Generate revenue to support future sustenance, provide incentives for faculty & attract high expertise.
  • Build the profile of faculty through increasing academic qualifications at the Masters and PhD level, and by attracting international faculty.


Successful organizations uphold a set of core values. These serve as the life force for the members of the organization in all their attitudes and behaviours. They have been set out to ensure that everyone will ‘pull in the same direction.’ The Institute’s core values comprise the following:

  1. Excellence:
    We shall strive to maintain the highest form of standard in all our professional
  2. Discipline:
    We shall uphold the image of the Institute in our internal and external dealings
    and shall not waver in our loyalty to the Institute and Tsa-wa-sum.
  3. Innovation:
    We shall promote innovation and creativity that serves the interest of the
    institute and the country.
  4. Team work:
    We are the members of a family and shall work together to create synergy
    by emerging our collective wisdom and talent.
  5. Accountability:
    We shall from any activities that would be in conflict with the interest of the institute and Tsa-wa-sum, and shall be accountable for our words and actions.
  6. Transparency:
    We shall ensure ethical behavior, integrity and openness in our systems, procedures and actions in order to reinforce an organization culture that is based on trust and confidence

Board of Director 2024

SL. #AddressEmail IDRemarks
1.Dasho Tashi Pem
Hon’ble Chairperson
Royal Civil Service Commission
2Dasho Tashi Wangmo
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment
Thimphu of Directors
3.Mr. Norbu Dendup
Department of Treasury and Accounts
Ministry of Finance
Thimphu of Directors
4.Dasho. Chewang Rinzin
Royal Institute of Governance and Strategic Studies
chewang.rinzin@rigss.btBoard of Directors
5.Mr. Karma Pema Loday
Royal Institute of Management  Board of Directors
6.Ms. Tshering Yangden
Royal Institute of Management
Thimphu  Member Secretary

Structure of RIM

In order to align the institutional capacity and performance towards its strategic direction and to render focused attention towards the identified programme activities, the organization structure of RIM is formulated as below:

DMD – Department of Management Development shall have two centres namely, Legal Studies and Management Development

DICT – Department of Information & Communications Technology

DFB – Department of Finance and Business shall have a Centre for Private Sector Development

DRC – Department of Research & Consultancy

Policy / Management

The Board of Directors headed by a Chairman appointed by the Royal Government provides leadership and strategic directions including policy guidance. The Board is supported by the Secretariat headed by the Director of the Institute appointed by the Royal Government. The Director is responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the Institute and formulation of strategic policy proposals for consideration by the Board. A Policy & Planning/Communication Unit supports the Director. The Unit is headed by the Chief Planning Officer.


Besides the Policy, Planning & Quality Assurance, and Advisory Council, the structure is broadly divided into two functional areas viz. Programme and the Registration. The programme service is responsible for the discharge of academic services. The Registration supports the programme and is responsible for the general management,administration and provision of learning resource facilities.


The academic services of the Institute is developed and delivered through its five departments namely

  • Department of Management Development
  • Department of Finance and Business
  • Department of Information and Communications Technology
  • Department of Research and Consultancy
  • Department of Library Services

The new structure has five departments with Department of library Services being the lastest department. Departmentalizing provides focus of the programmes based on their broad grouping and specialization. A Department has the option of adding centres under its administrative jurisdiction to meet certain specialized programme needs

Location & Facilities

Located seven kilometers at the outskirt of the capital city of Thimphu,the institute is situated below the oldest Dzong of Bhutan,the Semtokha Dzong (fortress). Overlooking the institute, we have the Buddha statue (Kuensel Phordrang) on the west and the Ola Rongchu (river) flows through its 25-acre campus that adds to the serenity and the natural beauty of the campus.

The Institute houses an auditorium with a seating capacity of 210,a Temple / Lhakhang and sports facilities including a gymnasium. The training activities are conducted in its ten classrooms,seven computer laboratories, and three seminar/conference halls. The residential block comprises hostels with an intake capacity of 200 trainees and 14 units of residential quarters for faculty and ten for administration staff wifi connectivity facility.

In order to support the academic activities, the Library houses a total collection of over twenty six thousand plus books, twenty seven subscribed journals, nine hundred ninety four audio visual materials, five thousand National and International reports in the fields of Management, Computer Science, Social Science, Philosophy, Language, Literature, History and Religion. The library is fully automated using KOHA software and provides access to the online catalogue of Library on Intranet and Internet.

The library has also digitized in house publication of the trainees using
DSpace software and it can be accessed on Intranet. RIM Library has subscription to Proquest. ProQuest multidisciplinary, fulltext database and this resource provides access to almost 40 of Pro-Quest’s complete databases, with a variety of content types across over 175 subjects, making this the broadest single research resource in the world. We are also a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET) is a major Resource Sharing Library Network in “South Asia”. DELNET also provides inter library loan for books, and document delivery services for journals articles to the Member libraries within and outside India. We also have free access to millions of unlimited books on e-pdf drive.

RIM also has one of the biggest Multipurpose Hall in the country that can accommodate around 2000-3000 people and has provision for an indoor basketball court

Royal Institute of Management
Post Box No 416
Simtokha, Thimphu (11001)

Telephone : +975 2 351014/12/13

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