The main functions of the DICT are as follows:

  • Design and conduct courses in the areas of Information and Communications Technology.
  • Provide advisory services on enhancing skills and competency development in the areas of information and communications technology to the Government and the corporate bodies including the private sector.
  • Undertake research in the areas of information and communication technology to facilitate development of training materials and provide policy inputs to the Royal Government and private sector.
  • Carry out consultancy to facilitate capacity development in the fields of information and communication technology.
  • Manage and maintain information management system requirement of the Institute and serve as the information technology support for the Institute.

Under the Department of Information and Communications Technology, the institute used to offer Diploma of Information and Management Systems (DIMS). This course has been discontinued since 2017. Therefore, currently the department does not offer any other regular course.

DICT facilitates as Academy Partner and certification exam centers for the following:

  • UN- Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders
  • Cisco Network Academy
  • Bhutan- Korea Information Access Center
  • International Computer Driving License Center
  • Pearson VUE Test Center

UN-APCICT Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders

The “Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders Program” (Academy) as APCICT’s flagship initiative to equip government officials and policy makers with the essential knowledge and skills to leverage ICT for national and regional socio-economic development. In order to provide government officials and other government stakeholders with the most comprehensive ICT for development (ICTD) training, the Academy covers an extensive range of ICT related topics.

RIM has signed an “Implementation arrangement for the APCICT training program” with UN-APCICT. RIM is the Academy Partner in Bhutan and is actively involved in supporting and implementing APCICT related activities in the country.

Some of the UN-APCICT modules that RIM has delivered since 2011 are:

  • Social Media for Development
  • ICT Disaster Risk Management
  • ICT Project Management in Theory and Practice
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • IoT (Internet of Things) and Cybersecurity
  • IPv6 and Network Security
  • ICT, Climate Change and Green Growth

International Computer Driving License (ICDL Center)

RIM has signed an agreement with ICDL Asia Pvt. Ltd based in Singapore. Therefore, RIM us authorized to deliver certification test for ICDL programs. Certification exams for the basic, intermediate and advanced

ICDL modules such Computer Essentials, Word Processing, Image Editing,

Web Editing, IT Security, Databases, Presentations, etc. are supported

by ICDL- RIM. Additional information about the courses can be found

here (

Pearson VUE Test Center

RIM has been Pearson VUE Test Center since 2011 and is authorized to

deliver certification exams for the following Pearson VUE Testing clients

such as SPSS, CompTIA Testing, PostgreSQL CE (SRA OSS), Institute of Internal auditors, Cisco Systems, Inc, etc.

Cisco NetAcad

CISCO Systems Inc. USA us one of the world’s largest giants in the field of Networking technology. CISCO Networking Training Programs are recognized

worldwide and offer students excellent opportunities for global employment, after qualifying CISCO Certification Examination.

Royal Institute of Management is the first CISCO Networking Local Academy to be set up in Bhutan. The Academy was setup in the year 1999 under

project “Setting-up of CISCO Networking Institute”, Asia Pacific Development Information Program (APDIP). The Local Academy provides a curriculum of four semester participation program, enabling students to attain the privileged CCNA certification and training.

Bhutan-Korea Information Access Center (IAC)

Bhutan-Korea Information Access Center (IAC) is established by National Information Society Agency (NIA), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), Government of Republic of Korea in 2015.

The center aims to offer local communities a wide range of opportunities for ICT enablement and bring them into information society. The IAC center functions as the ICT educational center where by the center provides:

  • Class-based ICT trainings
  • Virtual based ICT trainings
  • Share ICT educational content through IAC website.
  • provide free internet access to community

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