Summary of Events (June 2021)

Date Activities Details
31st May – 18th June 16th Batch Smart Assistant Training 25 HR Assistants successfully completed their 14 days Smart Assistant Training on 18th June which started on 31st May 2021.
4th – 11th June 9th Batch Digital Literacy Training 18 participants with diverse background, qualification and earning means attended the program
14th – 21st 10th Batch Digital Literacy Training 25 participants with diverse background, qualification and earning means attended the program
2nd Social Forestry Day Director, Faculty and staff members and the trainees observed Social Forestry Day by planting trees in the campus.
7th 7th Batch Competency Based Training for Account Assistant. 23 Accounts Assistants successfully completed their Competency Based Training on 7th June 2021 which started on 24th May 2021.
7th – 25th June 17th Batch Smart Assistant Training 23 Admin Assistants attended Smart Assistant Training from 7th – 25th June 2021.
15th – 22nd 10th Batch Digital Literacy Training 24 participants completed their 6 days Digital Literacy Training from 15th – 22nd June 2021.


Summary of Events (May 2021)

Date Activity Details

Digital Literacy Training Program

3rd – 7th 6th Batch DLT 20 Participants Non-ITC Civil Servants with diverse position and background
17th – 21st 7th Batch DLT 23 Participants Non-ITC Civil Servants with diverse position and background
24th – 28th 8th Batch DLT 19 Participants Non-ITC Civil Servants with diverse position and background

Digital Skill Training Program (ICDL)

3rd – 14th Digital Skills Training (ICDL Batch 16) 14 participants attended International Computer Driving Licence training from 3rd – 14th May 2021.
17th – 28th Digital Skills Training (ICDL Batch 17) 22 participants attended International Computer Driving Licence training from 17th – 28th May 2021.

Smart Assistant Training

3rd – 14th SAT Batch 13 25 Admin Assistants attended 10 days Smart Assistant Training from 3rd – 14th May 2021.
10th – 28th SAT Batch 14 25 HR Assistants attended 14 days Smart Assistant Training from 10th to 28th May 20121.
10th SAT batch 12 25 Admin Assistants successfully completed their 10 days Smart Assistant Training which started on 26th April.
17th – 31st SAT Batch 15 25 Admin Assistants attended 10 days Smart Assistant Training from 17th – 31st May 2021.

Other activities

10th – 21st 6th Batch Competency Based Training for Accounts Assistants 25 Accounts Assistants attended 10 days Competency Based Training from 10th – 21st May 2021.
13th 72nd RIM Meeting Board Meeting The 72nd Board Meeting of the Institute was held on 13th May 2021.
14th Civil Service reform Consultation Meeting 22 Officials from RIM including the Director, Registrar and the HoDs had a consultation meeting on Civil Service reform with Hon’ble focal Commissioner of RIM and 2 officials from RCSC.



19th – 25th Writers Workshop  

15 RIM officials had a week-long workshop at Tsirang on Unit Outline development and training manual development for LG Course Development.



Virtual Training on “Realizing Data-Driven Governance”



Director, Head, DICT and the HRO attended Virtual Training on “Realizing Data-Driven Governance”

The training was co-organised by RIM and APCICT/ESCAP and it was attended by senior and mid-level managers working in different organizations and agencies in the Civil Service.



Summary of Events (April 2021)

Date Activity Details
2nd SAT batch 8  

24 Admin Assistants successfully completed their 10 days Smart Assistant Training which started on 22nd March.

5th SAT for Personal Assistants  

25 Personal Assistants completed their 16 days Smart Assistant Training on 5th April which commenced from 15th March.

5th – 9th Data Analytics and Visualization  

25 participants (23 HROs, 1 Urban Planner and 1 ICT Officer) attended Data Analytics and Visualization training from 5th – 9th April.

5th – 9th 3rd Batch Digital Literacy Training Program 21 participants from various backgrounds attended Digital Literacy Training from 5th – 9th April 2021.
5th – 9th Workshop on finalization of integration of Climate Change into PGD courses  

The workshop on finalization of integration of Climate Change into PGD courses was held at Punakha from 5th – 9th April 2021.

5th – 16th Digital Skills Training (ICDL Batch 14) 20 participants attended International Computer Driving License (ICDL) training from 5th – 16th April 2021.
9th SAT batch 9  

26 Admin Assistants successfully completed their 10 days Smart Training for on 9th April which started from 29th March 2021.

5th– 16th 4th Batch of Competency based training for Accounts Assistant. 25 Accounts Assistants attended competency based training from 5th – 16th April 2021.
5th – 23rd SAT Batch 10  

24 HR Assistants attended their 14 days Smart Assistant Training from 5th – 23rd April 2021.


12th – 16th 4th Batch Digital Literacy Training 30 participants attended Digital Literacy Training from 12th – 16th April 2021.
12th – 23rd CCNA-M1 (Introduction to Network) 12 ICT officials from various Departments attended CCNA training from 12th – 23rd April 2021.
12th – 26th SAT Batch 11 25 Admin Assistants attended their 10 days Smart Assistant Training from 12th – 26th April 2021.
16th New Faculty  

2 new faculties Chencho Dorji and Kencho from the Ministry of Education joined the Institute as Lecturer and Associate Lecturer on lateral transfer.

17th – 30th  

Digital Skills Training  (ICDL Batch 15)

 26 participants attended  International Computer Driving License (ICDL) training from 17th – 30th April 2021.
19th PGDNL Course Enhancement RIM made a presentation to BNLI on the changes in the Unit Outline of the PGDNL Course and finalised the course enhancement.
21st – 24th RIM Annual Retreat RIM Annual retreat was held at Paro Tiger Nest Camp from 21st – 24th April 2021.
26th – 30th 5th Batch Digital Literacy Training 34 participants attended Digital Literacy Training from 26th – 30th April 2021.



Summary of Events (March 2021)

Date Activity Details

1st -12th


SAT Batch 6


5 participants attended 10 days Smart Assistant Training from 1st – 12th March.










Wildlife Photography training


25 rangers from DoFPs successfully completed their 8 days training in Wildlife photography on 4th March.

The 8 days training on Wildlife photography and Post production for the Department of Forests and Park Services is a Training Consultancy from the Nature Conservation Division of the Department of Forests and Park Services.



8th – 25th




SAT Batch 7


25 participants attended their 14 days Smart

Assistant Training from 8th – 25th March.





10th – 11th




Central level consultation




The   Royal   Institute   of   Management   in collaboration with the Department of Local Governance, MoHCA organized a 2-day central level consultation meeting in Paro from March 10-11, 2021   towards   the   development   of   a Institutionalized Mandatory Training Program for LG Functionaries.










1st batch Digital Literacy Training


1st batch of Digital Literacy Training with 26

Participants ended successfully on 12th March.

DLT is a 6-day training program targeting diverse groups (monk,  business  entities,  youth,  drivers, armed forces and non-IT professionals) and the DLT program is conducted in collaboration with Department   of   Information   Technology   and Telecom under the Digital Drukyul flagship.







2nd batch of Competency

based training for Accounts




24 Accounts Assistants from different

Departments successfully completed their 10 days competency-based training on 12th March.






3rd batch of Competency based training for Accounts based training for Accounts Assistant.


27 Accounts Assistants completed their 10 days Competency based training successfully on 15th March.






2nd Batch Digital Literacy training


2nd batch of Digital Literacy Training with 28 participants ended successfully on 26th March.



Summary of Events (February 2021)

Date Activity Details

3rd – 17th


SAT batch 5


26 participants attended 10 days Smart Assistant Training from 3rd – 17th February.







SAT batch 4


25 participants completed their 14 days Smart Assistant Training on 9th Feb which started on 7th December and was interrupted due to 2nd Nationwide Lockdown.





Orientation for MBA (2021-2022 batch)


A total of 76 (15 Government Scholarship and 61 Private) candidates joined the Royal Institute of Management to pursue MBA in the 2021-2022 Batch. Considering the class size, for the units taught by RIM, the batch was split into two.










1st Annual Research Exhibition and Launch of BJoM



The Royal Institute of Management (RIM) launched an

Open-access peer-reviewed journal named “Bhutan Journal of Management (BJoM)” dedicated to the 41st Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the King on February 21, 2020. As part of the main event, RIM also conducted its first Annual Research Exhibition by presenting the work of published authors in the form of an abstract presentation and poster presentation.






73rd AMDISA Executive Board Meeting.



The Director attended AMDISA’s 79th Executive Board Meeting virtually.








Commencement of Training for Competency based training for Accounts




1st batch consisting of 25 candidates for Competency

based training for Accounts Assistant commenced from

24th February. All the Accounts Assistants under Ministry of Finance from all over the Dzongkhags will be trained in 7 batches.


The program was opened by Hon’ble Finance




Summary of Events (January 2021)

Date Activity Details





Covid Check Up


The border trainees and the staffs and faculties residing in the campus were all checked for the Covid-19.



4th Jan- 2nd Feb


MBA classes convened online




Batch 2020-2021 MBA classes were convened online due to lockdown.



11th- 15th



Logistics and Supply Chain Management Training


3 RIM faculties attended Virtual training on Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The training was provided by Bhutan TVET Reforms in collaboration with NYPI, Singapore.





Midterm budget revised.


The Midterm budget review was carried out and revised successfully.






2th Batch Advanced

Digital Skills Training and




The 12th batch of Advanced Digital Skills

Training and Certification ended successfully on 15th which was started on 19th October






Covid Check Up


The border trainees and the staffs and faculties residing in the campus were all checked for the Covid-19.



The trainees who were stranded in the hostel due to the lockdown were well taken care with all the basic facilities like good food, electricity and Wi-Fi. All the Covid protocols were followed well without any fail.

RIM also participated in Stakeholder consultation on the Education Road Map.

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