Academic Block
- 10 classrooms each with a seating capacity of 35 people, equiped with Projectors & Computers)
- 4 computer Lab (each with 30-35 computers)
- 3 Seminar halls (1 with 20 computers)
- 1 Auditorium with a seating capacity of 210
- 1 Multi Purpose Hall sitting capacity of 2000+
- New IT block with latest ICT equipment
- Conference room with sitting capacity of 100+
- Library with more than 13,000 volume of books
- Director Residence
- Faculty Quarter (2 blocks with 12 units)
- Staff Quarter
- Executive Hostel (Capacity of 20 heads)
- 2 Hostel (Boys and Girls with a capacity of 200 heads
- 2 Dining halls (executive and trainees)
Sports Facilities
The Royal Institute of Management has one of the best and complete facilities and well structured sporting infrastructures – indoor as well outdoors. The campus is equipped with an international size football field, basketball, tennis and volleyball courts. Beside outdoor facilities, the trainees, faculty and staff also enjoys indoor facilities such as snooker, table tennis, carom, chess and checker boards. And for those who are into traditional sports, khuru and archery ranges are available.
In order for the holistic development of trainees’ personality, coordination and organization of various sporting and physical development activities, the management has instituted Sports & Game Committee, headed by an Advisor along with a custodian (male & female) for tennis, football, volleyball, basketball, snooker and table tennis. The committee is also represented by two dodums.
Basketball Court
The institute has two basketball courts but uses only one. The court, which is concretely constructed, is located at the end of one of the football goalie post. The stand is made of concrete, stands proudly like the neck of a giraffe which is visible from afar. The configuration of the courts makes it an ideal venue for hosting a major championship or tournament.
Archery is more than just a national sport.
It’s an activity most Bhutanese engage in at times of leisure to do away with the drudgery of everyday office work. Besides offering opportunities for a get-together among friends and socializing with other players, it is a source of entertainment for most Bhutanese during special occasions or festivals.
However, the range at the moment is down and out as the range is arranged diagonally across the soccer field. In the past the range was used but had to discontinue due to inconveniences with the football activity as well safety reasons. Meanwhile a suitable range is being explored.
Khuru, a traditional dart game is also a festive game, more popular among the people in the villages. The institute also encourages this game by organizing internal tournaments and gifting with modest prizes.
The institute tries its best to popularize this game as it is being played very less since other popular modern games have sidelined this sport to a great extent.
Unlike the darts in the west, Bhutanese darts are bigger, they are made of wood with a five-inch nail hammered at the bottom and bird feathers pinned at the top. This is an outdoor game where the darts are thrown at targets placed between a distances of about 40 meters.
For the first time in the history of the institute, this year (2010) we had women who participated in this game-a rare feat in the entire nation.
Football field
The outdoor soccer facility located to the right side of Ola Rongchu is of a latest attraction as it is the only ground in the country with grass surface. The institute with the help of a local expertise resurfaced it with local grass called tsaram which are available in plenty around the campus. The field has been redeveloped with total budget of Nu. 1.3 million.
Although the field does not have underground drainage system but it has a mechanism (40 mm stone soling below 4 inches top surface layering) whereby water collected overnight on surface drains out efficiently.
The field size is of 104m long by 64m wide with sufficient warming area behind each post and recommended size along the touch lines for the officials. The field also has good provision to setup designated box for the team official and extra players.
This field meets international standards and is suitable for both competition and training.
Tennis Courts
The institute can also proudly boast of its tennis court. The facility is of international size and can easily be compared to the facilities being used at Changlimithang Tennis Court-one of the best court in the capital city.
The court has been redeveloped with funding support from the RGoB during the fiscal year 2005 – 06. The redevelopment would not have been possible without the technical expertise from Bhutan Tennis Federation and additional fund support from Bhutan Olympic Committee.
The RIM volleyball court is located at the extreme end of football field and adjacent to basketball court. Although the surface is of concrete, it’s been found the best RIM could manage. This also made possible for the committee to make best use of rather abandoned court originally used as an alternate basketball court.
Snooker, an indoor game is a cue sport that is played on a large baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. A full-size table of 12 ft × 6 ft is installed at the institute with the financial support from RIM Fund in 2004.
Snooker has become popular in the country especially in the capital since 2002. This particular game is being encouraged here at the institute for those trainees who shy away from physically involved games as well to develop and build strategic thinking as it involves ones mind intensively.
Table Tennis
Table tennis (Ping Pong) is another indoor sport facilitated here at the institute with a proper hall accommodating two standard tables. This sport is fast and demands quick reactions. A skilled player can impart spin to the ball, which makes its bounce and reaction on the opponent paddle or racket difficult to predict or return with confidence.
The game is also equally encouraging like other sports but has only few enthusiasts.