
The Royal Institute of Management (RIM), established as the country’s apex management training institute, has been mandated to “impart, promote and improve professional knowledge and skills in management and public administration in both public as well as private sector in the nation” towards complementing the  achievement of our national goal. The institute was established in 1986 and was incorporated as an autonomous institute in 1990 under the Royal Charter with a Board of Directors as its governing authority.

 As the only Government management Institute, RIM has been solely engaged in supporting the human resource development need of the country, especially for the civil service. RIM’s intervention in the national human resource capacity building was primarily through training, research and consultancy activities.

Presently, the Institute plays a crucial role in the areas of:

  1. Training and capacity development of the civil service in close coordination with the Royal Civil Service Commission;
  2. Capacity development needs of local governance institutions and agencies aimed at facilitating the decentralization initiative of the Royal Government;
  3. Supporting the private sector development through niche training interventions in support of their human resource development initiatives.
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